Top Financial Podcasts to Enhance Your Money Management Skills

Looking to improve your financial literacy and money management skills? Check out our list of the top financial podcasts that offer expert advice, tips, and insights on personal finance, investing, and more.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your money management skills and take control of your finances, then financial podcasts are a great way to get started. Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are now plenty of options available that can help you enhance your financial literacy in a fun and engaging way. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best financial podcasts out there and discuss how they can help you become more financially savvy.

Why Financial Podcasts are Essential for Money Management

While there are plenty of resources out there that can teach you about personal finance, podcasts are particularly useful for a few reasons:

  • They’re free and easily accessible.
  • You can listen to them on the go – while driving, working out, or doing household chores.
  • They often feature experts in the field, who can provide valuable insights and advice.
  • They’re engaging and entertaining, making it easier to stay motivated and interested in learning.

But what exactly are the benefits of listening to financial podcasts? Let’s take a closer look.

The benefits of listening to financial podcasts

By listening to financial podcasts, you can:

  • Learn about different financial topics, such as budgeting, saving, investing, and retirement planning.
  • Get advice from experts on how to improve your financial situation.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest financial news and trends.
  • Motivate yourself to take action and make positive changes to your financial habits.

But how exactly can financial podcasts help you improve your money management skills? Let’s explore.

How financial podcasts can improve your money management skills

By listening to financial podcasts regularly, you can develop a deeper understanding of personal finance and improve your money management skills. Podcasts can teach you about things like:

  • How to set financial goals and create a budget
  • The basics of investing and how to build a diversified portfolio
  • How to manage debt and improve your credit score
  • How to save effectively for retirement and other long-term goals

But financial podcasts can do more than just teach you about these topics. They can also provide you with real-world examples and stories that illustrate the concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to your own life.

For example, you might hear a podcast episode about someone who paid off a significant amount of debt by using a specific strategy. This could inspire you to try the same strategy and see if it works for you.

Or you might listen to an episode where an expert discusses the pros and cons of different types of investment accounts. This could help you make a more informed decision about where to invest your money.

Overall, financial podcasts are an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their money management skills. They’re convenient, informative, and entertaining – making it easier than ever to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals.

Top Financial Podcasts for Beginners

If you’re new to financial podcasts, here are some great options to get you started:

The Dave Ramsey Show

The Dave Ramsey Show is one of the most popular personal finance podcasts out there, and for good reason. Ramsey is a well-known financial expert and best-selling author, and his show is focused on helping listeners get out of debt, save money, and build wealth. The show features a mix of advice, interviews, and listener questions, and is both informative and entertaining.

If you’re struggling with debt and don’t know where to start, The Dave Ramsey Show is a great resource. Ramsey’s “baby steps” approach to financial freedom has helped millions of people get their finances on track. In addition to his podcast, Ramsey offers books, courses, and other resources to help you achieve your financial goals.

So Money with Farnoosh Torabi

So Money is a great choice for anyone looking for practical money advice delivered in an engaging way. Hosted by financial expert Farnoosh Torabi, the show covers a wide range of financial topics, from budgeting and saving to investing and entrepreneurship. The show also features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, authors, and other experts who share their insights and strategies for achieving financial success.

One of the things that sets So Money apart is Torabi’s ability to make complex financial topics accessible to a wide audience. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned investor, you’ll find something of value in each episode. And if you’re looking for even more resources, Torabi also offers courses and coaching services to help you take your finances to the next level.

The Indicator from Planet Money

The Indicator is a daily podcast from NPR’s Planet Money team that covers a wide range of economic and financial topics. While not strictly focused on personal finance, the show is a great way to stay informed about the broader economic trends that could impact your finances. Each episode is around 10 minutes long, making it a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date on the latest news.

If you’re interested in economics and want to understand how the world around you is shaping your financial future, The Indicator is a must-listen. From the latest jobs report to the impact of trade policy on the stock market, the show covers a wide range of topics in a way that’s both informative and entertaining. And if you’re looking for even more in-depth coverage, Planet Money also offers a longer weekly podcast that dives deeper into the most important economic stories of the week.

Best Podcasts for Investing and Wealth Building

If you’re interested in learning more about investing and building wealth, these podcasts are a great place to start:

The Motley Fool Money

The Motley Fool Money is a weekly podcast that covers the latest news and trends in the stock market. The show features a team of Motley Fool analysts who provide insights and analysis on individual stocks, as well as broader trends in the market. The show is informative, entertaining, and accessible to both new and experienced investors.

One of the great things about The Motley Fool Money is that it covers a wide range of topics related to investing and wealth building. For example, recent episodes have covered topics like how to invest in emerging markets, the impact of interest rates on the stock market, and the best stocks to buy for long-term growth. The show is also great for listeners who are looking to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the stock market.

The Tony Robbins Podcast

While Tony Robbins is primarily known as a motivational speaker, his podcast also includes a lot of great insights into wealth building and investing. The show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and investors, as well as Robbins’ own tips and strategies for achieving financial success. The show is motivational and inspiring, and can be a great source of inspiration for anyone looking to build wealth.

In addition to his own insights, Robbins also brings on a variety of guests who share their own tips and strategies for building wealth. Recent episodes have featured interviews with successful investors like Ray Dalio and Peter Mallouk, as well as entrepreneurs like Sara Blakely and Tim Ferriss. The show is a great resource for anyone looking to learn from some of the most successful people in the world.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast

The Smart Passive Income Podcast is focused on helping listeners build passive income streams through online businesses and other ventures. Hosted by online entrepreneur Pat Flynn, the show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and experts who share their tips and strategies for building passive income streams. The show is informative and actionable, and can be a great resource for anyone looking to generate more income.

In addition to interviews with successful entrepreneurs, The Smart Passive Income Podcast also features a variety of other segments that provide valuable insights into wealth building and investing. For example, the show often features segments on topics like how to create a successful online course, how to build an email list, and how to create a successful YouTube channel. The show is a great resource for anyone looking to build a successful online business or generate passive income streams.

Financial Podcasts for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it can be challenging to navigate the financial aspects of running a business. Fortunately, there are many podcasts available that can provide valuable insights and advice to help you succeed. Here are three of the best financial podcasts for entrepreneurs and small business owners:

The Life Coach School Podcast

The Life Coach School Podcast, hosted by life coach Brooke Castillo, is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their personal and professional lives. While not strictly focused on finances, the show covers a wide range of topics that can be valuable for entrepreneurs and small business owners. For example, Castillo often discusses mindset, productivity, and goal-setting, all of which are essential for success in business. Additionally, the show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who share their insights and strategies for achieving success.

The Tai Lopez Show

The Tai Lopez Show, hosted by entrepreneur and investor Tai Lopez, is another excellent podcast for entrepreneurs and small business owners. The show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and investors from a wide range of industries, including marketing, finance, and technology. Lopez covers a variety of topics, from mindset and motivation to marketing and wealth building. One of the show’s strengths is its focus on practical advice that listeners can apply to their own businesses. If you’re looking for actionable insights and strategies for success, The Tai Lopez Show is a great place to start.

The Ed Mylett Show

The Ed Mylett Show is a podcast that is focused on helping listeners achieve their full potential in business and in life. The show features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, speakers, and athletes who share their tips and strategies for success. While not strictly focused on finances, the show can provide valuable insights into the mindset and habits necessary for financial success. Mylett often discusses the importance of discipline, hard work, and perseverance, all of which are essential for success in business. Additionally, the show covers topics like leadership, communication, and personal development, all of which are critical for building a successful business.

In conclusion, these three podcasts are excellent resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to improve their financial knowledge and skills. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to take your business to the next level, these podcasts can provide valuable insights and advice to help you achieve your goals.

Podcasts Focused on Personal Finance and Budgeting

If you’re looking to improve your personal finance skills and create a better budget, these podcasts can help:

The Money Nerds Podcast

The Money Nerds Podcast is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to make better financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. Host Whitney Hansen covers a variety of topics related to personal finance, including budgeting, saving, and investing. In addition to sharing her own insights and strategies, Whitney also interviews financial experts and successful individuals who share their own experiences and advice. Whether you’re just starting out on your financial journey or you’re looking to take your finances to the next level, The Money Nerds Podcast has something for everyone.

The Clever Girls Know Podcast

The Clever Girls Know Podcast, hosted by finance expert Bola Sokunbi, is a great resource for women who are looking to create wealth and build financial independence. Bola covers a variety of topics related to personal finance, including budgeting, saving, and investing. In addition to sharing her own insights and strategies, Bola also interviews successful women entrepreneurs and executives who share their own experiences and advice. The Clever Girls Know Podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to take control of their finances and build a better financial future.

The His and Her Money Show

The His and Her Money Show, hosted by Talaat and Tai McNeely, is a fantastic resource for couples who are looking to achieve financial freedom. Talaat and Tai cover a wide range of personal finance topics, including budgeting, debt elimination, investing, and entrepreneurship. They share their own experiences and advice, as well as interviewing other couples who have successfully achieved financial freedom. The His and Her Money Show is an engaging and relatable podcast that provides actionable advice and strategies for anyone looking to improve their finances.

Overall, these three podcasts are excellent resources for anyone looking to improve their personal finance skills and create a better budget. Whether you’re just starting out on your financial journey or you’re looking to take your finances to the next level, these podcasts have something for everyone. With their engaging hosts, informative content, and actionable advice, The Money Nerds Podcast, The Clever Girls Know Podcast, and The His and Her Money Show are must-listens for anyone looking to achieve financial freedom.

How to Make the Most of Financial Podcasts

Nowadays, financial podcasts have become a popular medium for people to learn about personal finance. They offer a convenient and easy way to stay informed about the latest financial news, investment strategies, and money management tips. If you’re new to financial podcasts or looking to get more out of them, here are some tips to help you make the most of your listening experience.

Setting goals for your financial education

Before you start listening to financial podcasts, it’s a good idea to set some goals for what you want to achieve. Do you want to learn about investing? Improve your budgeting skills? Save more money? By setting clear goals, you’ll be better able to focus your listening and make the most of your time.

For instance, if you’re interested in learning about investing, you can set a goal to listen to podcasts that cover topics like stock market analysis, portfolio diversification, and risk management. On the other hand, if you want to improve your budgeting skills, you can focus on podcasts that offer practical tips for reducing expenses, tracking spending, and creating a realistic budget.

Incorporating podcast listening into your daily routine

One of the great things about podcasts is that you can listen to them while doing other things – like working out, cooking, or commuting. By incorporating financial podcasts into your daily routine, you can make learning about personal finance a regular habit. Consider setting aside a specific time each day or week to listen to your favorite podcasts.

For example, you can listen to a podcast on your morning commute or while you’re making dinner. By making financial podcasts a part of your daily routine, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date on the latest financial news and trends without sacrificing your valuable time.

Applying the lessons learned from financial podcasts to your life

Finally, it’s important to apply what you learn from financial podcasts to your own life. Whether it’s creating a budget, opening a new investment account, or negotiating a raise at work, the insights and advice you gain from podcasts can be incredibly valuable. So don’t just listen – take action!

For instance, if you’ve learned about the benefits of index funds from a financial podcast, you can take steps to invest in them. Or if you’ve picked up negotiation tips from a podcast on salary negotiation, you can use them to negotiate a better salary or contract at work.

By applying what you’ve learned from financial podcasts, you’ll be able to make positive changes in your financial life and achieve your goals more effectively.


Financial podcasts are a great way to enhance your money management skills and stay up-to-date on the latest financial news and trends. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, there are plenty of options out there that can help you achieve your financial goals. By setting clear goals, incorporating podcast listening into your daily routine, and applying what you learn to your own life, you can use financial podcasts to become more financially savvy and achieve financial success.



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Mojek Money is a powerful personal finance tracker engineered for growth. Mojek helps you to bring all your finances in a single platform by directly connecting it to your banking and investment  and provide insights on investments and spending behavior.

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What is Mojek Money?
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Is Mojek Money a bank?
No, Mojek Money is not a bank and does not have its own bank charter but works with industry leaders across the financial and technology industry to bring the best of both worlds to create what we believe is a radically better way to bank and manage your finances. Mojek Money is primarily a personal finance and wealth management app.

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Why should you use a personal finance or wealth management app like Mojek Money?
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Is Mojek Money free to use?
Mojek Money is currently free to use. However, in the future, we may decide to activate a premium plan in order to sustain our business and provide top class service and application to you. If you’re concerned about taking the plunge, don’t be—currently Mojek Money is complete free so you can make sure we’re the right fit for you.

How is Mojek Money different from other personal finance apps?
Mojek Money lets you see your entire financial picture at a glance. Create categories so you can follow your investments and spending habits in real-time. Set up savings goals to reach your dreams of financial freedom.There are too many great features to list them all, but here are a few highlights:
Mojek Money is the best of both worlds. Get a consolidated view of all your bank accounts, loans, credit cards, and investments in a dashboard that’s clean, simple, and easy to understand.
FLEXIBILITY: Mojek Money is designed to let you see your money the way you want to. Set up your own categories, limits, watchlists, and spending plan without getting bogged down in the details. It’s the app that’s tailor-made just for you.
A POSITIVE APPROACH: Mojek Money’s glass-half-full attitude helps you meet the goals you set, encouraging you along the way and celebrating your success.

What are the various platforms Mojek’s is linked with?
Mojek Money currently is linked with various financial institutions – Banks, equity(stocks), mutual funds, and cryptocurrency. Mojek Money is working closely with other financial and wealth management apps. Mojek Money currently links with the following applications:


  • HDFC Bank
  • IndusInd Bank Ltd
  • ICICI Bank
  • Axis Bank
  • IDFC First Bank
  • Kotak Mahendra Bank
  • Indian Overseas Bank
  • AU Small Finance Bank
  • Karur Vysya Bank
  • Canara Bank
  • Punjab National Bank
  • Union Bank Of India
  • Bank Of India
  • Yes Bank
  • Bank Of Baroda

Broking Accounts

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  • AngelOne
  • Dhan
  • Fyers

Crypto Accounts

  • WazirX
  • BuyU Coin

Is Mojek Money available as a mobile app?
Mojek Money is currently available for Android and iOS on the Google and Apple store in India only.

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