Discover key financial terms explained simply to help you make smarter money decisions.
Reinsurance coverage above a specified loss amount
Maximum coverage in insurance policy
Combined data sets for analysis
Combined risk exposure across different investments
Maximum exposure in a single asset class or sector
Actuarial estimate of pension obligations
Distribution of indirect costs across departments
Assigned level of risk for specific investments
Percentage allocated to investment options
Capital loss eligible for tax deduction
Set amount of money given regularly for expenses
Non-traditional investment outside stocks, bonds, and cash
Non-traditional asset classes like real estate or hedge funds
Minimum tax rate for high-income earners
Tax credit to offset AMT paid in previous years
Income subject to AMT calculation
Financial option exercisable at any time before expiry
Gradual repayment of a loan over time
Periodic cost of loan or intangible asset reduction
Additional payment above face value on debt